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Optimization tips and useful tools for Immunohistochemistry (IHC), Immunocytochemistry (ICC) applications and RabMAb® in SimpleStep ELISA

Optimization tips and useful tools for Immunohistochemistry (IHC), Immunocytochemistry (ICC) applications and RabMAb® in SimpleStep ELISA 時間:105年10月18日(二) 下午12:00~13:00 地點:立夫教學大樓 2F 201講堂 講者:Mr. Wong Sze Ki Scientific Support Specialist of Abcam (Hong Kong) Ltd. Research interest in Vibrio virulence factors inducing apoptosis. Mr. Wong is experienced in various laboratory techniques, especially in WB and ELISA 演講摘要 In this talk, optimizations of Immunohistochemistry (IHC) and Immunocytochemistry (ICC) applications will be presented. In addition, Abcam products which can facilitate IHC and ICC experiments will be introduced. Among them, we are going to highlight Abcam RabMAb® antibodies. RabMAb® antibodies offer the superior antigen recognition of the rabbit immune system combined with the specificity and consistency of a monoclonal antibody. The advantages of using RabMAb® antibodies over conventional antibodies include low background, high affinity and specificity, fully validated in multiple applications, excellent performance in IHC application and ideal for use on mouse samples. Recently, Abcam has introduced knockout (KO) validation as a standard quality control protocol for antibodies at scales in order to cope with the increasing need for highly specific antibodies. Brief introduction about Abcam’s KO validation workflow and highlights of some KO validated Abcam antibodies will also be covered in this talk. SimpleStep ELISA™ kit is a single wash, colorimetric sandwich ELISA assay providing improved and differentiated performance characteristics while still retaining the familiar process and standard data outputs of a traditional ELISA kit. The SimpleStep ELISA™ kit enables researchers to quantify target proteins in less than 2 hours. 提供餐盒(限100份)
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公告時間: 2016-09-21 09:45:35


中國醫藥大學 研究發展處 貴重儀器組 台中市學士路91號 886-4-22053366  分機1503、1541