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Materials and Systems for Optimizing 3D Cell Culture Environments


Materials and Systems for Optimizing 3D Cell Culture Environments

時間:101年6月12日 星期(二) 10:00~12:00 
地點:立夫教學大樓 1 樓 101 講堂
講者:Marshall Kosovsky, Ph.D. Technical Support Manager, BD Biosciences

Three-dimensional (3D) cell culture environments provide structural and biochemical cues for cellular differentiation and functionality.  For specialized cell types such as primary cells, a two-dimensional growth substrate may not be sufficient to support complex cellular behaviors such as cell polarity, morphology, signal transduction, and tissue-specific gene expression.  This seminar will highlight applications that rely on 3D materials and systems, including BD Matrigel™ matrix (reconstituted basement membrane), BD collagen I (purified protein), BD™ PuraMatrix™ peptide hydrogel (synthetic hydrogel) and cell culture insert systems.  To demonstrate the effectiveness of these environments, the biological and functional properties of a variety of cell types will be discussed.

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公告時間: 2012-05-31 10:01:30


中國醫藥大學 研究發展處 貴重儀器組 台中市學士路91號 886-4-22053366  分機1503、1541