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QIAGEN 技術新知研討會---Cutting edge technologies in genetic analysis


QIAGEN 技術新知研討會---Cutting edge technologies in genetic analysis

時間:100年10月19日(三) 15:00~17:00 
地點:立夫教學大樓 1樓 101 講堂
講者:Dr. Nan Fang, senior Scientist, Modification and Amplification, QIAGEN
             Dr. Marc Meienberger, Dir. Market Development Integrated Syst., Product Management,
             Dr. Robert Rice, Director Market Development, Marketing, Asia QIAGEN
1.A new standard in genotyping & epigenetic study
2.Cost effective genotyping and mutation scanning based on high resolution melting analysis
3.Fully automated sample preparation for genetic research
4.Fast post PCR technique for high resolution fragment analysis

相關附件 沒有附件


公告時間: 2011-10-12 11:11:05


中國醫藥大學 研究發展處 貴重儀器組 台中市學士路91號 886-4-22053366  分機1503、1541