
頂尖學者群英雲集~《2016生物醫學國際研討會》在本校盛大舉行兩天 為增進台灣生物醫學在世界舞台上的能見度,並為生物醫學研究提供國際合作共同發展的多贏機會,今年《2016生物醫學國際研討會》在中國醫藥大學舉行兩天,邀請美國頂尖學者及國內中央研究院20餘位院士進行專題演講;李文華校長在開幕致詞時,鼓勵相關領域間更密切地交流討論與積極合作,擴大國際視野;蔡長海董事長期許藉由學界間的開放交流,能為大學在基礎研究、新藥研發與醫學革新上有更卓越的表現。
《2016生物醫學國際研討會》由中國醫藥大學、中興大學及亞洲大學共同舉辦,於7月1日起在中國醫藥大學立夫大樓B1國際會議廳舉行兩天,大會語言為英文,本次研討會演講主題包括了目前在生物醫學各領域之間的重大議題:癌症(Cancer)、神經科學(Neuroscience)、代謝(Metabolism)、生物化學(Biological Chemistry)、免疫(Immunology)、幹細胞(Stem cells)、病毒學(Virus)及植物生態(Plant Ecology)等相關議題,會中邀請美國頂尖學者及國內中央研究院20餘位院士進行演講,同時針對各主軸議題的最新研究發展進行講演分享,並鼓勵各領域間更密切地交流討論與積極合作。
李文華校長表示 每一年中國醫藥大學都致力於籌備多個生醫研討會相關活動,保持國際接軌、並主動參與學界的各項活動。此次活動不僅是一個學習機會與討論平台;對於探討時下新興的熱門研究或是發表重大研究成果,這也是一個絕佳的展現時機,期盼本屆活動能引發關於健康的討論,挑戰並思索在幹細胞、癌症用藥、與新藥開發等領域的未來發展與走向。
《2016生物醫學國際研討會》第一天的議程,邀請美國頂尖學者及國內中央研究院院士進行專題講座包括:美國加州大學聖地亞哥分校路得維格癌症研究所 Dr. Webster K. Cavenee講題:透過表觀基因組觀察酪氨酸激酶接收器對腫瘤成長的影響與其轉錄因子網絡之重塑。美國德州大學安德森癌症中心洪明奇院士講題:標記式引導癌症治療。國家衛生研究院細胞及系統醫學研究所伍焜玉院士講題:通過抑制p38-NF-kB的路徑,衍生基質細胞cytoguard(5-MTP)以控制全身性炎症和癌細胞轉移。美國芝加哥大學生態演化系吳仲義院士講題:癌症的生態和演變。中央研究院生物化學研究所王惠鈞院士講題:建構蛋白質RbmA:霍亂弧菌生物膜生物學的根本。北卡羅萊納大學藥學院李國雄院士講題:從中草藥的新藥物的發現和開發衍生的策略和觀點。美國德州大學安德森癌症中心葉篤行院士講題:從機制到疾病。國立臺灣大學臨床醫學研究所陳培哲院士講題:普羅米修斯的神話:更新對肝臟如何再生的詮釋?中央研究院分子生物研究所賴明詔院士講題:藉由對細胞因子及其後轉譯修飾的了解來揭開流感病毒感染和複製。
7月2日進行的專題講座有:賓州兒童醫院粒腺體基因遺傳中心Dr. Douglas C. Wallace講題:複雜疾病的病因線粒體。美國艾倫戴蒙德愛滋病研究中心何大一院士講題:無疫苗治療法:愛滋病預防的非疫苗治療法。北卡羅萊納大學Lineberger癌症中心丁邦容院士講題:細胞內天然免疫接收器:炎症、癌症和免疫功能的調節劑。中央研究院生物醫學科學研究所劉扶東院士講題:炎症和免疫功能中的聚醣結合蛋白質。南加州大學病理系鍾正明院士講題:幹細胞、毛髮再生與演變:團結力量大。美國耶魯大學藥理所鄭永齊院士講題:匯聚傳統中醫與主流醫學之原則以發展未來大家的醫學與其挑戰。國立清華大學腦科學中心江安世院士講題:測繪果蠅儲存長期記憶的腦電路圖。美國明尼蘇達大學醫學院羅浩院士講題:我們對疼痛管理的尋寶之路。美國加州大學柏克萊分校分子生物所蒲慕明院士講題:腦部疾病的可塑性基調療法。
主持講座的重輕級學者有:國立臺灣大學醫學院肝炎研究中心 陳定信院士、中國醫藥大學附設醫院分子醫學中心 王紹椿副主任、國家衛生研究院分子與基因醫學研究所 王陸海院士、中國醫藥大學生物多樣性研究中心 周昌弘院士、中國醫藥大學 陳志鴻副校長、徐媛曼研發長、美國加州大學爾灣分校 潘玉華院士、中國醫藥大學趙坤山副校長、中國醫藥大學中醫暨針灸研究中心 顏宏融副主任、中國醫藥大學免疫醫學研發中心蔡嘉哲主任、中國醫藥大學整合幹細胞中心洪士杰主任、中國醫藥大學中醫學院張恒鴻院長、中國醫藥大學腫瘤醫學研究中心 吳國瑞主任、中國醫藥大學中醫學院林昭庚講座教授、中國醫藥大學神經科學與認知科學研究所蘇冠賓所長。
Dear Symposium Attendees,
On behalf of the Board of Trustee and myself, I would like to express my sincere welcome for your presence at China Medical University for the 2016 International Conference on Biomedical Sciences. As the chairman of the Board of Trustee at China Medical University, I am especially proud to host this magnificent conference at our university. China Medical University never stops to strive to be the best. It is in our mission and vision to continue advancing ourselves particularly on field of biomedical sciences. This conference provides a unique opportunity for the world professionals to gather, participate, present and discuss on this important topic.
For 58 years, China Medical University, led by remarkable chancellors and academicians, has aimed for the highest achievement in medicine and health services. As we continue to advance in the global health community, it is also our social responsibility to spark further discussions and research on neuroscience, cancer, metabolism, stem cells, virus, immunology, and drug development. And there is no better way to achieve such goal than hosting a symposium with such a distinguish list of speakers and presenters.
As we continue to exchange ideas and spark in conversations, it is our most important task to further lead the global health community and continue to develop new research, new drugs and new medical innovation. And only through such events like the International Conference on Biomedical Science where we can freely exchange thoughts and ideas, we can outdone ourselves and reach for the star on the medical field.
With best regards,
Dear Symposium Attendees,
I would like to extend my warmest welcome to all of the distinguished speakers and participants of the 2016 International Conference on Biomedical Sciences. As Chancellor of China Medical University, it is my honor to host this conference at our campus in the heart of Taichung City. This conference provides an occasion for experts and scholars of biomedical science from around the globe to convene and share novel ideas on crucial issues and trends in neuroscience, cancer, metabolism, stem cells, virus and immunology research. I am grateful to all the renowned speakers and delegates for their participation that makes this conference successful and enjoyable.
Every year, China Medical University strives ourselves to put in best efforts on preparing numbers of outstanding scientific programs for the biomedical research community. Through inviting and engaging international leading experts on biomedical science, we aim to make this conference the unique opportunity to learn, discuss and spark further scientific research on biomedical related fields. The planned keynote and invited sessions will focus on timely and emerging hot topics as well as sharing your view on biomedical research. I hope all of you will enjoy this inspiring conference.
China Medical University has committed to medical education and research for over 58 years. Its research innovations, teaching excellence, international outreach and outstanding medical services have made CMU as one of the leader in Taiwan’s medical sciences. In the recent years, we have put lots of efforts on stem cells research, cancer medicine and new drug developments. It is our goal to continue exploring and exchanging new ideas and discussions. And through this symposium, we hope to challenge and inspire further development in the biomedical research field.
Finally, I hope you will find the conference and your stay in Taichung both memorable. With the mild weather, compare to the rest of Taiwan, and the close proximity to the other major cities, Taichung is named the best city to live in Taiwan. I want to welcome you on taking a journey through the center of Taichung during your time at the symposium, whether you want to jog around the Taichung Park or hike up the Dakeng trail, we have got everything here just waiting for you to explore. Most importantly, don’t forget to try out some delicious Taiwanese food while here.
With best regards,
中央社新聞網 ( http://www.cna.com.tw/postwrite/Detail/196782.aspx );
TNN台灣新聞 :http://news.tnn.tw/news.html?c=5&id=106243
台中地方新聞 :http://tc.news.tnn.tw/news.html?c=5&id=106243
兩岸時報 http://goo.gl/ud3Seq
李文華校長與蒞校參加2016年生物醫學國際研討會第一天的國內外頂尖學者合影 |
李文華校長與蒞校參加2016年生物醫學國際研討會第二天的國內外頂尖學者合影 |